exhibition at Etopia, Zaragoza, (Spain) 30th Sept 2020 to 31st Jan 2021
VisionarIAs is a project from Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del conocimiento in collaboration with the Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza and CESAR Labs, forming part of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, co-financed by the Europa Creativa programme from the European Union.
An exhibition featuring works of Anna Ridler, Aarati Akkapeddi, Helena Sarin, Ian Gouldstone, Libby Heaney, Mario Klingemann, Monica Rikic, Patrick Tresset, Sofia Crespo and Feileacan McCormick.
Artificial Creators inspired by nature
exhibition at the Eden Project (UK) 15 June – 29 September 2019
The exhibition brings together the creations of five artists inspired by nature that have been modified and co-produced by AI. Their work questions how we work with machines to establish new forms of relationship beyond the utilitarian and explores innovative ways of expression that produce new ways of seeing.
An exhibition featuring works of Anna Ridler, David Bowen, Ian Gouldstone, LIA and Jon McCormack.

Games as {performing} Arts
Newlyn Art Gallery and the Exchange May 2018 AMATA (UK) June 2018
The second edition of the Games as Arts / Arts as Games festival focuses on the polysemic concept of Play and brings together four contemporary artists / art collectives and four video game designers. The festival was organised in partnership with the Newlyn Art Gallery and the Exchange and the Academy of Music and Theatre Arts (AMATA) at Falmouth University.
Featuring works of Blast Theory, Kondition Pluriel, Stéphane Bissières, Petra Gemeinboeckand and Rob Saunders, games by Game Oven, Die Gute Fabrik, Robin Baumgarten and @thosemetamakers.
Games As Arts/ Arts As Games
Exhibition at The Poly Falmouth, October 2016
Exploring The Overlap Between Game Design And More Traditional Art Practices.
This the exhibition brings together five contemporary artists, two collectives of artists and two-game studios into one space, to pay tribute to the new and exciting pathways that subvert the ideas of what you may consider games to be.
An exhibition featuring the works of State of Play, Amanita Design, David Blandy & Larry Achiampong, Ian Gouldstone, Oliver Sutherland, IOCOSE & Matteo Bittanti, @ThoseMetaMakers and Alan Meades

You Can’t Know My Mind
Exhibition at Gallerie Oberkampf July 2013 Paris.
Featuring the artworks of Computer artist The Painting Fool and computer critic DARCI who collaborated to produce and curate a set of visual art pieces.
The Painting Fool is a computer program and an aspiring painter. The aim of this project is for it to be taken seriously – one day – as a creative artist in my own right. It has been built to exhibit behaviours that might be deemed as skilful, appreciative and imaginative.
The ideas behind its conception have been used to address philosophical notions such as emotion and intentionality in non-human intelligences; and technical papers about the artificial intelligence, machine vision and computer graphics techniques have been published in the scientific literature.